Advent Conspiracy is about the entire body of Christ at work in the world. As we worship fully, spend less, give more, and love all, something begins to form that is greater than any single person, church, or denomination.


I love this idea, now what do I do?

  1. Grab a copy of the Advent Conspiracy book. This book was written by the three founders and will give you more vision and practical steps on how to participate.
  2. Subscribe to our email list. We’ll keep you updated on the important things coming.
  3. Download the free resources we have created.
  4. Share the good news. Invite your church, your friends, your co-workers, and your family into the movement.
  5. Check out the stories page. Get inspiration from other conspirators or share your own story.
  6. Go through the small group materials in preparation for Christmas.
  7. Stay updated on the Advent Conspiracy blog.


Is Advent Conspiracy a non-profit organization? Can I send my donation directly to you?

Advent Conspiracy is a movement of churches, families, and organizations who are celebrating Christmas differently. This means that Advent Conspiracy does not accept donations. Where you choose to invest your resources is entirely up to you. Not sure where to start? We encourage checking with your local church to see if there are any ministry partners they recommend.


Why is Worship Fully the first tenet?

We believe that when our hearts are oriented towards Christ, the rest of the tenets will fall into place. The way we spend, give, and love will radically change when it comes from a place of true worship. Pray. Be honest with God about the things you’re excited about and struggling with this Christmas. Ask Him to help you as you enter into the season of Advent.


Spend Less and Give More?

It sounds like these two principles would contradict one another but they actually work in tandem. We spend less on frivolous, unwanted gifts and instead give more intentional, relational gifts. This kind of giving will require more time and effort as you think about the person you’re shopping for and avoid the easy trap of adding random things to your shopping cart. Check out this list of relational gift ideas if you’re feeling stuck.


How do I tell my friends and family we’re doing Christmas differently?

Instead of viewing Advent Conspiracy as a formula or a list of dos and don’ts, we believe it’s a simple framework for meaningful, rich, Christmas celebrations. Start with a conversation. Be open and honest about what you’d like Christmas to look like (more worship, more quality time together, less stress, less debt, etc.). We’ve found that people that take the time to invite others into these new traditions and share the heart behind it end up having the best experiences. Remember that along the way you’ll keep learning and making adjustments.


What has been the impact of Advent Conspiracy over the years?

Advent Conspiracy started small in 2006 and has since grown into a global movement. At the heart of this movement are families, pastors, teachers, leaders, students, and kids who are committed to celebrating Christmas in a God honoring way. If you have a specific story you’d like to share with us, reach out to our team!