And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!”

Luke 2:13–14

Words are powerful. No doubt we can think upon words that we have offered and received that have brought us delight and affirmation; words that we might still cherish to this day. We hold too, with gentleness and the peace of Christ, words that we know have brought destruction and anguish for us and others.

The words shared in this passage, announced by these heavenly host, are words of wonder and witness. They give fitting glory to God and witness of the peace on earth that would be upon those on whom God’s favor would rest.

These words of wonder and witness play their part in what was taking place and are nestled amongst what was unfolding for these unlikely characters: the shepherds living out in the fields. Their initial terror at the encounter with the Angel of the Lord was suddenly transformed as good news was proclaimed and this awe-filled set of events would evoke action: they set out to go to Bethlehem.

These powerful words of wonder and witness play an incredible part in what took place in that field.

Words spoken, and the positive impact they have, are likely to be cherished long after the memories of whatever ‘must have’ gift have faded. How true this is when we join with these heavenly hosts in speaking words of wonder and witness. During this Advent season we have the opportunity to be a part of echoing a story that compliments that of the shepherds where good news is shared with those that we meet, wonder and witness is announced by God’s children and out of this yet more people come to seek out Christ.


Think about the words you have used in the last few days. Are they ones that brought joy, peace, and encouragement to the people you encountered? Did you have any opportunities to share or be a witness of the gospel?



We thank you for the power and wonder of these words shared by the heavenly host and all that they witness too. Might we ever be captivated by this unfolding story of good news. Put upon my lips words that are powerful, precious and peace bringing. Minister to me, by your Holy Spirit.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Devotional writer: Stuart I. (Torrance, Scotland)